Friday, June 30, 2017

Easy Home Decorating Tips: Choosing Fabrics

Home decorating always include fabrics as part of the entire project. What is home décor fabric if you may ask? Home décor fabric is the cloth used to make the draperies, upholsters, towels, tablecloth, and all other home decors that are covered with cloth. They come in many patterns or prints, styles, colors, and textures. Generally, home décor fabric dramatically changes the whole look of a room thus the importance of knowing how to choose fabrics for home decorating projects.


The first strategy in choosing home décor fabric is to find one that you love best. It would be great to start with something that you are really interested in because finding pieces that match the fabric will be much easier later on. Make the fabric the focal point of the design by noting the design elements like the texture, prints, and colors. When you are able to choose such signature fabrics, the next task of finding coordinating furnishings and accessories will be simple as you already have a specific theme in mind.


Another technique in having the best home decor fabric is by observing the vibe of the room. For example, heavy silk and velvet are both great insulators and will look fabulous on a formal room. Billowy linens, on the other hand, give off a casual atmosphere. If you want to play safe, cotton and cotton blends will match any décor style as they are neat and brings a calm feeling.


Next thing to consider is the print or pattern of the fabric. The rule of thumb in decorating is that patterned furniture and patterned curtains should never go together. If you already have elaborate furniture and accessories like rugs and beddings, choose solid colors for the curtains. Now, if you have more of the simpler, and muted colored furniture and accessories, going for printed curtains is okay. You can even have prints that are small and neutral like paisley or polka dots for a hint of texture but still remain stylish and classy.


Lastly, deciding for the color should be one of the key points in choosing fabric for a decorating project. Basically, you have two options in choosing color. First is to have a color that blends with the rest of the room. For example, a curtain that has the same tone as the wall and is a little bit darker will really look elegant. The other option is to have a fabric color that pops out. This is great if you are looking forward to add some wow in the design as it will serve as an exclamation point in the design. Either way, always consider playing with colors but still be consistent in keeping up a theme so as not to have a distracting design that doesn’t coordinate with the others.

When shopping for home décor fabric, also take note of how you will use it. Will it be for big pieces like curtains? Or are you going to use it for accents such as throw pillows and runners? Also, fabrics come in many sizes, shapes, colors, textures, and patterns. Entering a fabric shop for the first time might overwhelm you. To avoid getting swallowed by the magnitude of choices, it will be best to take note of what you are looking for. It will be easy to find the fabric you need if you have specific criteria to start your search with. This will save you heaps of time and effort in going through the bulk of fabric. Most stores have a catalog too which you can consult first if you don’t want to manually search for the fabrics you need.

Dig/s Home Goods and Housewares is a family-run business, just basically Chuck, Susan and a few helpers. It’s these homegrown roots that give our company a great work ethic and a strong foundation on which to expand and develop. Our heart goes into our work, and it shows in everything we do, from the kind of products we offer to the kind of service we provide. Our customers matter to us. You matter to us, and your business is greatly appreciated.
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Know What to Expect When Shopping Home Décor for Less

Finding places where to get cheap home décor can be tacky. Of course there are plenty of shops to see both online and the physical stores but they often disappoint you in the end. Why? Basically, it is because you never know what to expect after a long search. The results do not meet your expectations so the excitement of decorating your home fizzles off.

Limit Expectations

The best way to combat disappointment is to know exactly what you will see as you look for shops to get discounted home décor items. If you are keen on following a budget, there are certain sacrifices along the way as you learn where to get cheap home décor.

Thrift Stores

First is on thrift stores. Prices are extremely low but shopping on thrift stores will have you do some digging among piles of dusty second-hand items of everything from kitchenware to children’s clothing. Of course there are also thrift stores that are well-maintained and are organized in some way. But don’t expect to have wonderful pieces sitting on all corners. Thrift stores are cheap because you do all the dirty work of finding gems amongst the rubbish.

Yard Sales

Yard sales are also great for shopping cheap home décor. Most yard sales are mecca for old art pieces, furniture, and home accents. However, these items are offered at super low sale prices because they are old or off season. To minimize your expectations, go to yard sales if you are looking for vintage items or you want to find old fashion pieces. Stay away if you are more of the modern gal and is looking forward to get trendy furniture and home décor.

Local Online Classifieds

Local online classifieds is where you can find great items for less without leaving the house. Plenty of people have been duped by online ads which is why you should choose those who are within your locality or at least within a short driving distance. This is to ensure that you can pick up the items instead of having them shipped from the seller. It lessens the disappointment over false advertising of the items specially its current state (good used condition, excellent quality, etc.).

Consignment Shops

Lastly, go to home décor consignment shops. If you want to have brand new items but don’t want the hefty price tags, consider checking out consignment shops. Most items are on sale price and those that are not have lower prices compared to those sold on shopping malls. Transact with the owner so you get to bargain for the best deals. It may not be the cheapest route but you can surely get some discount along the way.

Don’t come unprepared when shopping for cheap home décor. Know where to shop but don’t put up high expectations. There’s treasure in other people’s trash but they still come with a price. They may be low on the price tag but the effort you put in going to thrift stores, yard sales, and other discount shops is priceless so make sure you get to enjoy the experience.

Dig/s Home Goods and Housewares is a family-run business, just basically Chuck, Susan and a few helpers. It’s these homegrown roots that give our company a great work ethic and a strong foundation on which to expand and develop. Our heart goes into our work, and it shows in everything we do, from the kind of products we offer to the kind of service we provide. Our customers matter to us. You matter to us, and your business is greatly appreciated.
Sending positive vibes your way,

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Home Décor Ideas to Make a Room Look Fresh

 Who doesn’t want to have a fresh- looking home? If you are one of those people who love to take the summer indoors, then these easy and cheap home décor DIY projects are specially chosen for you.

The following are just few tips on how to make home décor with a summer theme:

  1.      Choose a theme. The summer theme is so broad. Narrow it down by focusing on a single summer inspired something that will be the striking feature of your décor. For example, do you want to concentrate of having a beach inspired home? Then make decors using shells, sand, and stones as they instantly give that nostalgic feeling of being in the beach.


  1.      Get inspired by having a first-hand experience. If it is during the summer season, take some time off and go to the beach. The trip will instantly lift your soul up making you excited and ready to make summer- inspired crafts. However, if all you have are summer memories, then travel back in time by relaxing and meditating on those thoughts. Remember how sunny the days were, how fun it was being on the beach, how lovely it was seeing the colors of summer. Even this nostalgic trip to memory lane is enough to inspire you to recreate summer at home.
  1.      Find inspiration from DIY sites. Ever heard of Pinterest? If not, it’s time to explore this wonderful site of DIY and crafts compilations. You only need to make a search for a specific craft, like “summer home décor” and it will show you thumbnails of everything related to your search. Be prepared for the hundreds of creative ways to make summer home décor. These are actually links to the site where you can see the full instructions for the DIY idea.


  1.      Use materials that are readily found at home. It can be mason jars, cereal box, stones, and bottles, anything that can be up cycled to turn into pretty home decors. Consider it as a challenge to spend no more than a dollar for each project to truly achieve a frugal (and environment- friendly) approach of decorating the house.


  1.      Make it a family activity. Have fun making the decors with the whole family. It is one way to bond with your husband and kids. They may even have ideas too about what to make. This simple activity will not only produce nice home decors but will let you create fun memories in making them.

These steps on how to make home décor that speaks of summer fun are so simple to follow and creating one-of-a-kind pieces can be achieved in minutes. Summer is all about holidays and relaxing with family.  The summery touches on your home décor will help you achieve that summertime mindset. They will instantly make you think of sunshine, watermelon, boats, and the sandy beach.  Summer is almost here so get a good head start by making your home summer- ready with summer inspired home decors.

Dig/s Home Goods and Housewares is a family-run business, just basically Chuck, Susan and a few helpers. It’s these homegrown roots that give our company a great work ethic and a strong foundation on which to expand and develop. Our heart goes into our work, and it shows in everything we do, from the kind of products we offer to the kind of service we provide. Our customers matter to us. You matter to us, and your business is greatly appreciated.
Sending positive vibes your way,

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Figure Out Your Home Decor Style

If you are to search for “what is my home decor style?” on the internet, pages about quizzes that can help point out which type of home decor personality will pop up. While they may be helpful at some point, most of them do not coincide with each other and you end up getting confused with each quiz you take. It does not help that there are so many styles out there and finding the one that best fits you is quite a challenge.

But why bother knowing about what your home decor style is? Oh there are plenty of reasons but the topmost is that by knowing your style, you can easily transform your house into a home. You will not merely make a room into a living space but rather a room that speaks volumes about your personality. Not only will it make you happy to be living in your home but it will also attract good vibes from the people who visit you.

To make this task a bit easier, here are five steps to help you get started:

  1.       Research by walking around your area. Observe which houses you are drawn to. Take note of which style catches your attention most. Is it traditional looking? Or is it more of a modern style? Do you find a mix of both is more appealing? Liking traditional architecture would mean that furniture and decors in muted colors are more of your thing than the modern, eclectic  ones.


  1.       Imagine what your favorite vacation spot is like. If you find that you like to be in a tropical island where vibrant colors are a plenty, then you will most likely want to have the same vibrance in your home. Bold colors look inviting to you so items with such hues will get your attention most.
  1.       Get style inspirations from home decorating magazines. Although you can do so online with Pinterest, the physical act of tearing out pages that catches your fancy is more exciting. There is no room for over-thinking. Instead, tear as much as you want and compile the pages and flip through them later. You will notice how many of the pages seem to look alike and that is going to be the focal point of your style.


  1.       Observe your personal taste on clothes, cuisine, etc. These are hints of how  would you like to decorate your house. Perhaps you are more of the vintage- loving gal who is instantly drawn to antique pieces. Or if you are more of the modern-looking chic, then contemporary art will be more of your type.
  1.       After identifying things that you are most comfortable with, list down things that you don’t like. This will be your guide to stay clear from things that would never appeal to you. There will be times where you will become interested with something just because of trivial reasons like it being a popular piece. Having a reminder that it will never fit your dream home can do wonders in making you forget about buying it in an impulse.


These steps can help you figure out what you want for your home decor project. Aside from the assurance you get that you will have the best pieces that you will not regret having, you will save a lot of money because you only spend for things that you know and sure that you want to have. A home decor style that matches you simply radiates with vibrant joy especially when you can see that your effort in making the place look great have paid off .

Listen… if a guy in his 60’s can start an online store YOU can too!

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Health Benefits of Dehydrating Foods For Storage and Use

The art of dehydrating foods dates back many thousands of years. It has persisted over the ages, and its popularity is well-deserved. Dehydrating foods is one of the very best methods for preserving food and making it portable. Here are some compelling health benefits of dehydrating foods that will convince you to give a dehydrator a permanent home in your kitchen.

Dehydrated foods contain all of their original nutrients.

Virtually all of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds remain in a food when you dehydrate it. By contrast, cooking a food rather than drying it can destroy some of its nutrients and enzymes. Dehydrating is a great way to preserve food, give it a longer shelf life, and make it more portable while keeping it just as nutritious as the original. This is the ultimate health benefit over other, less nutritious snack foods out there.

Dehydrated foods can make healthy replacements for sweets and candy.

When a food is dehydrated, the lost water content causes the flavor of the food to be more prominent. This means that dehydrated fruits are tasty and extra-sweet. If you like to snack on sweet things, consider making a switch to dehydrated fruit slices. They are just as sweet and delicious, while providing you with tons of vitamins and other nutrients that candy doesn’t contain.

The possibilities are endless. You can dehydrate virtually any type of fruit and thus have a wide variety of sweet snacks on hand all the time. Another great option is fruit leather, which is made by dehydrating fruit puree. This fruit puree can contain any combination of fruits you like, and even spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, or chili powder.

Dehydrated foods have a long shelf life, with no preservatives.

There are many benefits to making food last longer. If you have a bumper crop in your garden or find a great sale on fruits, you can dehydrate it all so it won’t go to waste. If you store your dehydrated food in a cool, dark, and airtight place, it can last many years. Fruits, vegetables, and grains that have been dehydrated have been known to last up to three decades. With almost no water present in the food, no microbes will colonize it and it will not rot.

Dehydrated food lasts a very long time yet is all-natural. It doesn’t contain any artificial preservatives. This is great news for people who like to eat natural whole foods and avoid preservative chemicals.

More Benefits of Dehydrating Your Food

The health benefits of dehydrating foods are not the only type of benefit. You’ll also see financial benefits and added convenience.

Dehydrating foods yourself is much, much more economical than buying them pre-made in a store. If you love dehydrated fruits, trail mix, or jerky, consider making it yourself for a fraction of the cost. Another financial benefit is that, as mentioned earlier, you can pick up large amounts of food when you see it on sale and dehydrate it at home. By taking advantage of produce sales you can save a good deal of money.

On average, dehydrated foods are less than one-sixth as bulky as their original form. Not only do they take up a lot less space, but they’re also a lot lighter. This means these foods are perfect for packing as a snack before you leave for work or school, or taking them with you on a camping or hiking trip.

Dehydration is the ultimate method of food preservation. What other method improves taste, portability, and shelf life while also potentially saving you a lot of money? Once you give dehydrating your own food a shot, chances are you’ll never go back. Try an effective, high-quality food dehydrator from a reputable brand like Sedona®.

Listen… if a guy in his 60’s can start an online store YOU can too!

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Lots of Love :)


Chuck -Owner Extraordinaire of Digs-Homegoods Top Home Blogger 2017

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Friday, June 23, 2017

Where to Buy Home Décor: Vintage Shops vs Specialty Stores

If you think for a second that designing homes end up at choosing wall colors, think again. What to put in each room is where the action begins. While it may sound easy, buying home decors is actually a daunting task. Finding the best places where to buy home décor is a job that is not for the weak. It is an exciting task but it requires both a healthy body and a healthy mind. 

While it is much easier to shop online, there is that primal happiness in choosing things that you can hold and inspect in real time. You have two options in shopping for home décor. First, is buying brands from stores that sell home décors or get used items from thrift and vintage shops.

Basically, where to buy home décor is narrowed down to these two kinds of stores. The more appropriate thing to note when buying home accents is not where but the kind of design you have in mind.

Vintage and Thrift Shops

For designs that are more of the classic and require antique pieces, you can find plenty of thrift shops and vintage stores that sell pre-loved items. While it may sound sketchy at first because of the nature of the items being second-hand, there are a lot of interior decorators who do not discount these shops from their go-to lists when shopping for decors. These kinds of stores hold treasures that are worth keeping, they just need to be found first. Also, not all things from these shops are oldies. If you think about it, styles change every year so a lot of people dispose of their stuff through yard sales and in thrift stores. You will never know what to expect and it is quite exciting to find out what items you are going home with. So if you are looking forward to unique items with guaranteed low prices, then head off to the nearest vintage stores in the neighborhood.


Home Décor Specialty Shops

Now, if you are not sure about buying second-hand, there are shops that specialize in selling home accents. They can either be an entire shop of home decors or just a part of chain stores and malls. Go straight ahead to these shops when you want shopping to be easy. If your style is more of an upbeat and trendy, most items from these shops are the latest craze in design. They are usually categorized so everything can be found fast. They also have shop attendants who can assist you at the store. They are a huge help especially when you find someone who is not afraid to give suggestions.


You have the option to go easy on the job and shop from a décor shop or get down and dirty for a satisfying vintage store hunt. Where to buy home décor is also a matter of style. You will be surprised how much you will discover in yourself just by observing where your items are mostly from.

Listen… if a guy in his 60’s can start an online store YOU can too!

Thanks for reading :)

Lots of Love :)


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Online Shopping for Home Décor

Sprucing up the house is the most enjoyable and relaxing task for some people. There is a rush feeling in seeing the changes and that anticipation for the final look is priceless. But changing the look of each room can be expensive. It doesn’t help either that buying home stuff can be exhausting.

Good thing there’s internet to the rescue. Finding where to shop for home décor online is easy. Apart from this reason, it is more convenient to buy things online. There are other benefits on home décor shopping on the internet.

Online Promotions

One is that online shops have a lot of promotions going on. A month wouldn’t pass without them offering discounts through voucher codes, email links, and other money- saving promos. Huge savings are in your way if you will be diligent in looking for these ads.

Rare Items

Another reason is that it is easier to get hold of rare items online. Rather than going around from store to store looking for a particular piece. Most online shops have catalogs that you can browse and it shows how many are available. Seeing in real time what’s there and what’s not, drops the disappointed feeling you get when you’re feet gets tired in hunting for something. You can easily pinpoint which items you like and never have to worry about missing out on them. Out of stock items are also replenished faster and you get updated through newsletters.

Following Trends

Shopping home décor online makes it easier to update your style. If you are into following trends, online shops tend to have the newest items faster than your local stores. You never have to wait for the latest home decors to hit the market. Instead, you stay abreast with what’s hot before everyone else.

You can easily sort through the best items and find helpful reviews from people who have bought the same. The best bargains are not the best if they end up flimsy and made in low quality materials. It would greatly make a difference to know what to expect from things you buy online so it is advised that you read buyer reviews.

Low Shipping Costs

Lastly, buying online gives you options to having low shipping costs and being able to return items that you don’t like. Although this is also offered in department stores, knowing that you can do the same on online shops lessens the anxiety.

It’s natural for anyone to be a bit apprehensive doing online shopping, but you only need to be decisive over your choice of shops. A simple search would take you to shops that have earned a good reputation from their loyal customers. It wouldn’t hurt to ask for recommendations either. With this generation that relies on the internet so much, you’d certainly would have many friends who have done online shopping. If you’re the type who values time and effort on top of huge savings, shopping online for home decor can work great for you.

Dig/s Home Goods and Housewares is a family-run business, just basically Chuck, Susan and a few helpers. It’s these homegrown roots that give our company a great work ethic and a strong foundation on which to expand and develop. Our heart goes into our work, and it shows in everything we do, from the kind of products we offer to the kind of service we provide. Our customers matter to us. You matter to us, and your business is greatly appreciated.
Sending positive vibes your way,

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Make Money From Your Passion: Home Décor Business

 There are people who have the talent of making homes more beautiful. The craft of interior designing is not for everyone. There are schools intended to teach these intricate fields but it doesn’t mean that only those who had formal training can be considered as interior decorators.


If you’re passionate about home decorating and have piled up enough materials to build another home. Why not make money out of it? How to start a home décor business is only difficult at first but there are shortcuts that can lead you to success.

  1.    Determine whether you would like to sell all types of home décor, furnishings, and household items or are you going to concentrate on having products of a particular part of the house? If you think you are more interested in revamping the living room, then it would be easy for you to find items that will fit in there. You can start looking for paintings, lamps, rugs, candles, chandeliers, and everything else that will enhance the living room.


  1.    Focus on a certain theme. While it is safe to have all sorts of items to attract more types of customers, it will also help if you have a certain theme in your items. This is easier if you are still starting up so you can also focus on finding items that fit the chosen theme. For example, sell items that are considered vintage if you are into classical design. It is also easier to build and encourage loyal and returning customers when they know what items to expect from your shop.
  1.    Offer home decorating tips for customers. Since you are going to run a business, make it a point to interact with your clients. You will meet different types of persons and the only way to know what they like is by talking to them, encouraging them to tell you about their ideas so you can also share your own views. This will also be a great way for you to sell items that you know will fit their homes.


  1.    Make a portfolio by taking before and after photos of your decorating projects. Better yet, convert a part of your home into a mini studio where you can use your items to decorate the room. Let the customers know that everything they see on the pictures is available at the store. This is one way of showing them how the items will work in their own rooms.
  1.    If you are able to establish a name and have gained customers, then it is time to expand your reach and make the business bigger by connecting with manufacturers who specialize in home furnishings like fabrics, flooring’s, carpets, furniture, and others. This will secure your place in the business even when some customers cannot find the items they want from you. Make them aware that you can look for such items or have them especially made straight from the manufacturers.



And the most important tip in how to start a home décor business is to never lose the interest to discover what’s new. Always have that curious attitude to learn. Observe how the world of interior decorating evolved through the years. Keeping tabs on everything about home decors will keep you excited to see what you can offer your customers. You can present new ideas if you are constantly updated and this will be your key to achieving their trust and confidence. Pretty soon you will have customers who value what you say and will constantly check for the best items from your store.

Listen… if a guy in his 60’s can start an online store YOU can too!

Thanks for reading :)

Lots of Love :)


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Decorating on a Budget: Find Gems in Garage Sales

Wondering where to buy cheap home décor is a thing of the past… IF you would consider purchasing second- hand items. Garage and yard sales may look dusty and full of trash, but the truth is that there are plenty of things you can find and use for a home decorating project. And the best thing about it? Everything is cheap so a little cash goes a long way.

Great Furniture

There are options on what to do with furniture that has lost its beauty through time. They may need repainting, a few repairs, or some revamping with covers. The point is that furniture from yard sales are on bargain prices. With just a little effort and creativity, you get to own unique pieces that will totally add personality to your home.

Cool Lighting Ornaments

Lighting fixtures can be made out of absolutely everything. From colanders to tea pots, vases, and even industrial metal items—they can be made into creative lamps by using a cheap lamp kit from a craft store. These kits are easy to use and you can convert anything into lamps in no time.

Decorative pieces

Most garage sales have sets of items that are missing a piece or two. A good example would be a tea set that has missing tea cups. While it will look odd to display an incomplete set, using the remaining pieces at empty corners would still look great. The idea here is to make odd pieces useful as a decorative item. You can have it at the lonely spot on the bookshelf, or make a lovely accent on the divider. Another example is incomplete plate sets. In fact, lonely strays are the best for a plate project. Of course you are not going to use it for dinner! Plates can look good as a plate display on the walls. Hang out some of the pieces for a lovely work of art. A sad looking and empty wall will instantly look alive with this idea.

Pieces that can hold things are also great finds. Keep an eye out for goblets, glass vases, milk glass, and bowls. Spray-painting them with a solid color can add a fresh look while also making them handy as candle holders or as flower vases.

Fabric Finds

Yard sales also hold nice fabrics. They are going to look nice as one of a kind table runner, pillow covers, and even curtain accents. Yard sale fabric may be out of dresses, sheets, and quilts. Just make sure to have matching colors or patterns. Don’t forget to wash fabric finds well and treat it for at least 20 minutes in the hot dryer.

Recycling and up cycling are the two main ideas that make garage and yard sale finds the best place to find cheap home décor. The creative possibilities from the items you will find are endless. If you got the time but have little money for a decorating project, then you can do so well out of garage sale finds.

Listen… If a guy in his 60’s can open up an online store SO CAN YOU!!!

Hope you enjoyed reading :)

Lots of Love,


Chuck Owner of Digs-Homegoods Top Home Blogger 2017

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Glass Containers Another BEST Alternative | Find CHEAP Deals Here!

Glass Containers

Today’s generation is keen on having a cleaner and greener environment. One of the simplest ways to be more friendly to Mother Earth is to give up plastic packaging which includes food containers.

Be BPA-Free

As for the kids’ health, parents often don’t realize the dangers of having plastic containers for their children’s foods. Reusable food containers are being labeled as BPA- free which makes them safe. Yet, most would agree that no matter how safe these containers claim to be. They seem to absorb some of the food odor. For example, tomato sauce. This can be also seen on clear plastic containers that become stained after several uses. And, this is enough reason to stay away from such food containers before the family’s health becomes compromised.

Glass Food Containers as a Safe Alternative

If you are on the lookout for a food container that does not release nor keep toxins, glass storage may be the best option for some reasons. First, glass is easier to clean and because they are clear. It is easier to distinguish whether the food is still good or otherwise, and it is easier to check if the container is clean or not before using it. This quality is good not only for OC moms but generally for everyone. Knowing that what you use to store food is clean lessens the worries and apprehensions about what the kids eat when they are not home.

 Microwave Safe

Another is that most glass containers are microwaveable. This is great for those who would like to have hot meals for lunch. There are plastic containers that are microwave- safe but you can never be too sure about them compared to glass containers.

Many Sizes

Moms also like how there are plenty of sizes to choose from among glass containers. The variety of sizes and shapes makes them versatile because you can choose which type of food to keep in them. For example, smaller sizes can have herbs, sauces, and condiments. While the bigger ones can hold sandwiches, pastas, or even complete meals.

 Last Long

Unless you don’t take care of it, glass containers last for so long. This is because they do not deteriorate like plastic. They don’t also rust like the metal containers. Modern ones are also made to be so durable that they don’t break even when dropped.


So the verdict whether to replace plastic for glass containers? Yes! The most important factor to consider here is the children’s safety, right? Other qualities like durability, versatility, etc. are only bonuses. The best thing about glass containers is that they do not harm the children. It does not release harmful chemicals to the food and it does not keep chemicals from the food. This is what all moms should consider especially those who have school-aged children. It is always a healthier option to send home-cooked meals or snacks that you prepared yourself rather than have the children eat junk food. But the key to making it work is to also make sure that the food-keeper is safe so that the kids can enjoy this effort.

Listen… if a guy in his 60’s can start an online store YOU can too!

Thanks for reading :)

Lots of Love :)


Chuck -Owner Extraordinaire of Digs-Homegoods Top Home Blogger 2017

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Friday, June 16, 2017

Choosing Home Décor that Lasts | Best Deals on Home Goods!!!

Many interior decorators say how important it is to look for home decors that match the design of the room. However, not all homeowners understand what is home décor. Most would think that as long as it beautifies the room, then it is a home décor.

Room Personality

Well, truth be told, that is exactly how home décor works. These pieces decorate the room to make it look good. Home décor gives the room personality. But, remember that there are things to consider before shopping for home décor. You cannot just buy pretty bookends thinking that it will look good in the room no matter what. Not knowing what to buy will only make you waste so much money.

Pieces That Go Well with Everything!

When shopping for home accents, you may want to reflect on what is home décor for you. These things are easy to replace but they should mean something so as not to make it go to waste fast. Although there are people who want to update home decors very often, there is no need to change constantly especially when you are decorating on a budget. You just need to have key pieces that will go well with everything else.

Timeless Pieces for both Classic and Contemporary Design

The secret to choosing timeless home décor is by going into items that are minimalist in design. This way, you are sure that they will fit in almost all types of interior design. These pieces are usually made with natural materials like wood, stone, and natural fibers like cotton. Most of the time, you can say that these items are understated because they look so subtle. However, this is what gives them staying power. By being almost inconspicuous, they can do the job of filling the room up but not become too overpowering. What will shine through is the total look of the room and is not focused only on one or two items.

Antiques To Balance

You can also make do with items that you already have on hand. For example, having antique items that you don’t want to let go because of its sentimental value can still have a spot in your home. You can place the antique on a neutral wall to mute its strong features. It can also be put up under a modern piece. Either way, it only requires a sense of balance to make it work.

Less Is Always More

For furniture, it would help to create a timeless design if you will choose simple yet functional pieces. Stay away from over-sized, overly decorated, and furniture that have too busy patterns and shapes. Less is always more with a timeless design. The furniture should blend in instead of standing out from other design elements of the room.

Keep it Simple

A timeless design looks simple yet it can work with all sorts of design trends. All you need is to choose home décor and accessories that will complement with each other. The goal is to have a home with items that are simple, subtle, but still look elegant no matter the style.

Dig/s Home Goods and Housewares is a family-run business, just basically Chuck, Susan and a few helpers. It’s these homegrown roots that give our company a great work ethic and a strong foundation on which to expand and develop. Our heart goes into our work, and it shows in everything we do, from the kind of products we offer to the kind of service we provide. Our customers matter to us. You matter to us, and your business is greatly appreciated.
Sending positive vibes your way,

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Why using Stainless Steel Food Containers is BEST for you and your family? | Best Deals Here!

Health Factor

Health is the foremost concern of parents especially when it involves the children. One of the ways to keep them healthy is by making sure that on top of having fresh and nutritious food. Everything they eat remains clean even after hours of preparing them. This is where the choice of food containers matter.

Many Choices

There are many choices among types of food storage that children can keep their food either for snack or lunch. The most common and the most convenient choice are plastic food containers because they are cheap and can be reused a lot of times. But the biggest question of them all is that are these containers safe? Even though most of these plastic containers are said to be BPA-free. The naked eye can’t tell which ones are safe and which ones are made with harmful chemicals.

What about stainless steel food containers?

Generally, stainless steel is considered as a great choice as a food container. First of all, it has an antibacterial quality because it does not leach chemicals. These food storages are made with non-toxic stainless steel that warranties safety in keeping food hygienic to eat.

Long Lasting

Another reason why stainless steel food keepers are the best is that they made to last for a long time. The materials used are durable and can withstand even the rough handling of school children. This kind of metal is not flimsy at all so it stays good and will survive even when it gets thrown about.


Then there’s versatility of stainless steel food containers. You can choose to pack all sorts of food from sandwiches to all kinds of nibbles. There are a lot of varieties when it comes to the number of compartments and sizes so there will always be something that can fit whatever needs.

If sending the kids gooey stuff (ex. mac and cheese) is your thing, leak- proof stainless steel food keepers are also available. You no longer have to worry about making the kids eat soups or if they want to separate the sauce from their foods.


Aside from food, there are also stainless steel containers to keep drinks. These steel bottles are safe to store fresh juices and even hot drinks. Just make sure to get the insulated type that keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cool for hours.


Most stainless steel food storages are being designed to be stacked on top of each other. The containers kind of lock with each other so that they can be stored neatly inside the lunch bag and not look disorganized. If you are worried about how plain and industrial they look, some companies make these containers fun for the kids by having magnetic stickers that can be used to decorate their lunch boxes. Parents can also use the stickers to label the containers to distinguish what food items are inside each one.

Not Just For Kids!

These stainless steel containers are not only meant for children. Even teens can enjoy its versatility, durability, and cool designs. Adults who prefer to bring their own food to the office can also make use of these containers. The variety of designs for these kinds of food containers are endless. There’s all kinds of storage containers that will fit anyone’s lifestyle no matter the age group.

Make it EASY!

Making the kids eat more home-cooked meals instead of store-bought and junk food is one of the ways to keep them healthy. Do not waste the effort spent on preparing healthy meals by keeping them in harmful plastic containers. Choosing stainless steel food storage is a safe and a neat way to give up plastic food keepers for good.

Listen… if a guy in his 60’s can start an online store YOU can too!

Thanks for reading :)

Lots of Love :)


Chuck -Owner Extraordinaire of Digs-Homegoods Top Home Blogger 2017

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Funeral Books | Custom Made For Those Important Occasions Remembered

Dealing with Loss

No matter how modern the times have become, funerals have remained how they were years before. They are solemn, punctuated with sniffles, whispering, and even weeping. For the bereaved family, there are plenty of things to do. People to accommodate, paper works to settle, and all other errands that must be in completion before the interment. On top of their grief, they are still expected to hold their emotions together. No one can imagine how stressful it is unless one has suffered the same unfortunate life event.

Guest Book

To keep everything in order and manageable, a traditional funeral guest book can offer a lot of help. While it may seem to be a simple book containing the names of those who were with the grieving family. During the funeral and the burial, it also has a few more important roles.

Keep Track of Who To Thank

The first one is obvious. It can be used to keep track of who went and comforted the family. It is so difficult to remember who are present with the throng of people during the service. Some people choose to not bother with thank you cards a few days after the burial. Even though it is logical that they are still grieving, it is possible to forget guests if it will take a while. With a guest book, it will be so easy to send notes later on because you are not guessing who to send them to. Just check the register and the names are there including the addresses.


A funeral guest book can be upgraded. It can now be personalized so that it becomes more of a personal memento of the deceased rather than a plain register. The family can choose to include a prayer page at the start of the book. The rest of the pages can have life story, family history, funeral services information, notes, and photos. This customized funeral guest book will not only recount those who remembered the deceased until his last. It will also serve as a keepsake that celebrates his life, showcase the people who care, and as a tool to help the bereaved on the healing process.

Custom Made

The best thing is that these funeral books are so easy to create. You can either have it made with special instructions on the specifications. It can also be made by the family themselves. By using software that can collect the needed information and specifications. Then, get it printed by funeral professionals. There are even companies who offer to get it digitized. This means that aside from a printed copy, a digital copy that can be viewed online and downloaded for a soft copy will also be available.

For The Future

Dealing with death is a painful and long process. Having a funeral book can be one of the effective ways to help cope up with grief. Avoid making it too traditional by transforming it into a one-of-a-kind book of memories. This will not only let the family cherish the deceased members. But also let future generations know about their lives through the funeral book.

Listen… if a guy in his 60’s can start an online store YOU can too!

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Lots of Love :)


Chuck -Owner Extraordinaire of Digs-Homegoods Top Home Blogger 2017

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Friday, June 9, 2017

Do Wedding Books Matter?

It is that time of the year again when engaged ladies are almost out of their wits planning the wedding of the year. June brides are probably the most stressed right now as the preparations slowly unfold at the start of the month. But before the fairy tales come true, there are still plenty of modern bride to be’s that are asking whether or not it is important to have a wedding guest book?

Truth be told, most weddings nowadays do not have guest books either at the church or during the reception. Well some do have them at the entrance but no one seems to care about it. If you are undecided whether to have one or not at your own wedding, here is a roundup about wedding guest books and how to make it look appealing to the guests.

Wedding Guest Book Basics

A wedding guest book is one nifty way to relive the special moments on your wedding day. It is quite impossible to spend quality time with all of your guests unless you only have a handful of them. But even though, a guest book is a token by which you can use to recount the pleasantries exchanged with each guest. It is not necessary but a welcome option if you are the type who treasures the little things. It can be a ticket for a trip down memory lane if you are feeling nostalgic about your wedding.

Wedding Guest Book Ideas


A guest book does not have to be just an ordinary book where guests sign their names. Here are some ideas to make it more fun, appealing, and to encourage guests to spend a few minutes to get serious with it.

  1.    Direct the guests with pre-printed questions. Make cards that have printed questions in them like “What’s the funniest memory of you and the groom/bride?”, or “ What advice can you give to the groom/bride?” these questions will help avoid the usual “Best Wishes” messages. Make the guests pick a card each and let them answer on the space provided. They can then drop the cards on a glass bowl or a box. Make sure to let them know that they have to sign their names on the cards. Compile the cards later on and bind them as a mini guest book.


  1.    Make a “blank” photo book. Photo booths are so in right now. Ask the operator to print 2 copies for each guest. One is for them to keep and one is for them to paste on the photo book. Have them scribble sweet messages and their names either on the photos or along the corners of the book. It will be so much fun to reminisce through the pictures and at the same time feel grateful for their well- wishes.
  1.    Get a slum book- type guest book. Again, to avoid generic messages from the guests, it is a great idea to have a questionnaire type for them to fill up during the reception. Most married couples would agree that less time is spent with friends after marriage and especially when babies start to arrive. A slum- book is one way to look back on the good times with acr particular friend who attended the wedding. You will have fun “getting to know” your friends and be surprised at how silly they are with their answers.


Wedding guest books need not to be boring. By injecting some creativity, you can have a lovely gift to yourself. One that will let you recollect all the happy memories with the guests on your wedding and one that will surely make you fall in love again every time you read what’s written in it.


Listen… if a guy in his 60’s can start a lifestyle and home decor shopping store YOU CAN TOO!!!

THANKS for reading! :)

Lots of Love,


Chuck Owner of - Top Home Blogger 2017

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