Friday, June 9, 2017

Do Wedding Books Matter?

It is that time of the year again when engaged ladies are almost out of their wits planning the wedding of the year. June brides are probably the most stressed right now as the preparations slowly unfold at the start of the month. But before the fairy tales come true, there are still plenty of modern bride to be’s that are asking whether or not it is important to have a wedding guest book?

Truth be told, most weddings nowadays do not have guest books either at the church or during the reception. Well some do have them at the entrance but no one seems to care about it. If you are undecided whether to have one or not at your own wedding, here is a roundup about wedding guest books and how to make it look appealing to the guests.

Wedding Guest Book Basics

A wedding guest book is one nifty way to relive the special moments on your wedding day. It is quite impossible to spend quality time with all of your guests unless you only have a handful of them. But even though, a guest book is a token by which you can use to recount the pleasantries exchanged with each guest. It is not necessary but a welcome option if you are the type who treasures the little things. It can be a ticket for a trip down memory lane if you are feeling nostalgic about your wedding.

Wedding Guest Book Ideas


A guest book does not have to be just an ordinary book where guests sign their names. Here are some ideas to make it more fun, appealing, and to encourage guests to spend a few minutes to get serious with it.

  1.    Direct the guests with pre-printed questions. Make cards that have printed questions in them like “What’s the funniest memory of you and the groom/bride?”, or “ What advice can you give to the groom/bride?” these questions will help avoid the usual “Best Wishes” messages. Make the guests pick a card each and let them answer on the space provided. They can then drop the cards on a glass bowl or a box. Make sure to let them know that they have to sign their names on the cards. Compile the cards later on and bind them as a mini guest book.


  1.    Make a “blank” photo book. Photo booths are so in right now. Ask the operator to print 2 copies for each guest. One is for them to keep and one is for them to paste on the photo book. Have them scribble sweet messages and their names either on the photos or along the corners of the book. It will be so much fun to reminisce through the pictures and at the same time feel grateful for their well- wishes.
  1.    Get a slum book- type guest book. Again, to avoid generic messages from the guests, it is a great idea to have a questionnaire type for them to fill up during the reception. Most married couples would agree that less time is spent with friends after marriage and especially when babies start to arrive. A slum- book is one way to look back on the good times with acr particular friend who attended the wedding. You will have fun “getting to know” your friends and be surprised at how silly they are with their answers.


Wedding guest books need not to be boring. By injecting some creativity, you can have a lovely gift to yourself. One that will let you recollect all the happy memories with the guests on your wedding and one that will surely make you fall in love again every time you read what’s written in it.


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Lots of Love,


Chuck Owner of - Top Home Blogger 2017

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